Here's a selection of the tutorials I've written through my work at Esri:
How are maps made (article)
Improve the visual hierarchy of maps (video series)
Mapping with purpose (article)
Choose the right projection (tutorial)
Geographic vs Projected Coordinate Systems (article)
Design symbology for a thematic map (tutorial pair)
Cartographic creations in ArcGIS Pro (tutorial series)
Make a web map without Web Mercator (tutorial)
Map projections (articles, videos, and tutorials)
Design a layout in ArcGIS Experience Builder (tutorial series)
Common skills for working with data in ArcGIS Online (tutorial/video series)
Common skills for working with data in ArcGIS Pro (tutorial/video series)
Cartographic conventions (article)
Cartography checklist (article)
Design a map with ArcGIS Pro and Adobe Illustrator (tutorial)
Exaggerate your Perspective View (article)
Hand drawn terrain (article)
Convert a static map into a web app (tutorial)
Convert a web map into a print map (tutorial)
Convert a list of historic places into a map (tutorial pair)
Make a river map (article/tutorial)
Map text in ArcGIS Pro (article/tutorial series)